Google Classroom --Sign up.
We will start using Google Classroom after Spring Break.
There's a chance schools will be closed more this year, and if that happens, some of your work will be given remotely through Google Classroom.
1st period Google Classroom access code: v2zlh44
2nd period Google Classroom access code: ichk24r
4th period Google Classroom access code: ziobkxdu
6th period Google Classroom access code: 4y65d3r
7th period Google Classroom access code: uz3eqr3
8th period Google Classroom access code: pgi3zks
1. Finish A Lesson Before Dying. Test Thur/Frid after we return from Spring Break
2. Review vocabulary. Test Tue/Wed after we get back.
1. Write a vocabulary story with a partner (or not) using 6 of the words from chapter 17 AND 2 other words from another chapter (16, 15, 14, 13)
2. Read the last two chapters of A Lesson Before Dying. Finish the book over spring break if you are behind.
Advancing Vocabulary Quizlet decks